Software for your Care Ministry
Typically, the person designated to be the Administrator of their church’s Prayer Care Tracker program is the person who is responsible for the care ministry. Alternatively, an Office Manager can assume the role.
If you are to be the Administrator, you will receive a welcome email that contains a link and password. Once logged in as Administrator, you will first need to set up Recipients that apply to your church and choose from a list of Status Codes, Prayer Needs, and Facilities to customize for your church. The last step will be to set up all the people accessing and using Prayer Care Tracker. They are called Users.
Let’s start with Status Codes:
Existing status codes may be viewed by clicking on the menu item Status Codes. Status Codes indicate the status of a recipient receiving care from a care team member. The list is prepopulated with the most commonly used statuses. As the Administrator, you can add additional statuses or delete existing ones. Each status code is associated with a color that represents the number of days desired between contacts. If a recipient has not been visited after the notification days have elapsed, the name of the recipient in the Recipient List will change color, so they can be easily identified as having an outstanding need. The notification is measured from the last care note date. For instance, Bill Smith was last contacted on October 1, 2018, and it is now October 8, so Bill Smith’s name will change from black to red on the Recipient Listing. (more)
Next, we’ll work on Prayer Needs:
A recipient may ask to be included in a prayer circle, the church bulletin, or other prayer ministries within your church. Having a Prayer Need category shows the type of need the recipient has. The Prayer Need List allows you to add and delete prayer needs. Click on the Prayer Need menu to select prayer needs that your church uses. (more)
Next, Facilities:
The Facilities List allows you to indicate where the recipient is residing. The Facilities List should include all those facilitates where care team members visit recipients. Facilities may be added or deleted from the list. One of the advantages of having a Facilities List is that you can sort by status, then, within that status, sort by the facility so that a care team member can visit all recipients in the same facility in one visit. (more)
And finally, User Setup:
Once all the above is completed, it is time to set up the care team members and others who will access Prayer Care Tracker (Users). Users are not notified when set up, so you’ll need to let each know his or her login details, including password. If you have groups that have prayer circles but are not part of your church’s care ministry team, you may wish to set up the leader of the group as a User and give that person the Reports Only role. This will only allow for a printed report or listing of those requesting prayer. No care notes will be accessible, thus protecting personal privacy from those outside the care ministry. (more)